Below is a link to the photos taken on the first distribution (May 9, 2020) four years ago. On that first day, 121 families were served from our pantry.
A couple of doves appeared just before the distribution began. Notice clients had to be spaced at least six feet while in line and everyone was required to wear a mask.
You’ve seen people being served at our parish food pantry ministry, but have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? How does the food get to the pantry and into the grocery bags and then to our client’s homes?
Well, this short video titled “A Week at the St. Stephen Food Pantry” explains it all. From the Sunday to Wednesday donations from individuals, parishes and organizations, to the Thursday delivery trucks, the Friday “box” and bag” set-ups and clean-up, to the Saturday food distribution to our community members in need, you’ll follow a group of very dedicated folks who donate their time to make this ministry possible. We are grateful to all our volunteers! Enjoy the video and . . . thank you Tom Roach for all the photos.