The following two links will take you to online photo albums of the St. Stephen's Food Pantry at the Shrine of St. Jude. The first album is a compilation of photos produced by our pastor, Fr. Paul Lee of the distribution days, every Saturday from 9am to 11am. The second album is of the most recent bagging night, which is every Thursday from 6pm to 8pm.
I have never been more proud to be a parishioner of St. Jude's after watching the work dedication of our volunteers and generosity of our parishioners.
I marveled at the organization and efficiently of bagging night. Every volunteer was given an assignment and I watched machine-like motion ensuring that every bag of food contained the proper balance of nutrition. The boxes of produce were inspected for quality and tossed if not usable. The teamwork was amazing and inspiring. There was a quite a bit of pride and seriousness in the job at hand.
The large storage room adjacent to current pantry has been cleaned out and will now be utilized for the pantry. The new outside storage shed will be used to stored the Thaddeus Room table and chairs.
Special thank you to Jen and Larry Kilmer, our St. Stephen's Food Pantry managers.
Please consider volunteering to this worthwhile community outreach and thank you for your continued support of the food pantry.