With the end of year fast approaching and Congress considering many new changes to our tax laws, perhaps it makes sense to consider taking advantage of the blessings some have enjoyed over the last couple of years.
The stock market has performed well in the past couple of years, and investment portfolios have been increasing as a result. Please consider donating appreciated investments from your portfolio to the Shrine of St. Jude. Any investments donated need to be held for more than one year in order to be afforded special tax treatment
By donating appreciated investments you avoid paying capital gains tax on the gain and you receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the investment as of the date of transfer to the Shrine of St. Jude. You don’t have to write a check or open your wallet. If you are interested in donating appreciated investments to the Shrine of St. Jude please call the Parish Offices and we will assist you in making this happen.