The Shrine of St. Jude gardeners have finished planting the Spring 2022 gardens. It took a week for Pat Black, Geraldine Mack, Carol Jones, and myself to get all of the plants into the ground.
Thanks to the Sodality for the purchase of the plants from our traditional supplier, Greenway Farms in Cokesville, Maryland. Carol Jones, Barbara Melanson, and myself made the long trek to pick up the plants on a very chilly, rainy morning.
The volunteer St. Jude gardeners spent several prior months prepping the garden beds with weeding, cutting, conditioning, and turning the soil. The gardeners will water, weed, and trim the twenty plus church gardens until October. The parents of the school children are responsible for tending the school gardens.
Keep in mind, when you spot the many Azaleas, Hydrangeas, and Easter Lilies in bloom; all were donated by the St. Jude parishioners in past Easter flower collections and recycled into our church gardens.
There are some new gardens this year. At the request of Fr. Lee, an Iris garden was planted next to the Breezeway garden. The Iris is Fr. Lee's favorite flower. Fr. Lee also asked about giving the new parish office a nice splash of color so nine new multi-color knockout rose bushes were donated and have been planted at the office entrance with one white rose bush compliments the Francis statue. Last, in honor of the late Sister Liadore, there is a new flower garden where Sister had her famous tomato garden. The Sister Liadore garden is located near the outside walkway from the school to the parish office side entrance.
Fr. Jorge has volunteered the teens in the Youth Ministry to mulch the gardens the evening of May 20th.
We hope you take some quiet time and take a walk-about and enjoy the landscape of our beautiful church.